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Time frame

Initial conversation with parents or carers (free of charge).
Assessment session with parents or carers. This conversation gives me the opportunity to gather information about you as a family and your child or teenager.
Six orientation sessions each lasting 50 minutes. After the fifth session we decide together whether or not play therapy is suitable and whether it should be continued. If therapy continues, a contract will be signed. This contract will be reviewed after 10 sessions.

Frequency of therapy sessions

Ideally therapy sessions will be weekly at the same time to provide the child with continuity and predictability. If required, we can arrange parent sessions flexibly (evening times or Saturdays can be arranged).


All sessions are confidential, including the sessions with your child/teenager. If I feel the well-being of your child is not guaranteed, I will inform you immediately and, if necessary, include other professionals, too.

Your role as a parent/carer

I work with a systemic approach. Your attitude as a parent and your openness towards change are important for the therapy process. Parent sessions are an important part of the child’s therapeutic process. It is a chance for feedback and support. This includes, for example, the right of the child to talk as much or as little about the sessions as (s)he likes, without being pushed to reveal more than desired.


Charges for therapy, counselling or coaching sessions can be provided upon request. Private health insurances or complementary insurances will cover the costs. Please ask your insurance about it before therapy starts.

Anne Stöckert

You are interested in play therapy? Please contact me. We can find out together how I can help you and which way might be the best to improve your family situation.

Phone: +49 151 184 511 42

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